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Our Story

With a focus on wellness, Full Beauty & Wellness is a local Hong Kong brand founded in 2022, a brand that wants to give customers a holistic beauty and wellness experience, positioned for white-collar women aged 20 to 45. The main brand is "SHAGIC", an in-house skincare brand launched by Hong Kong artist Chan Man-chi under the concept of Sharon+Magic, who is involved in every detail of the brand name, formulas, packaging and even product photography, in pursuit of the ultimate in product quality. In addition to this, Minzee also incorporates unique ingredients into its products to allow for completeabsorption and total skincare for our customers.

擁有主打健康之稱的品牌, Full Beauty & Wellness 是創於2022年的香港本土品牌,是一個想讓顧客得到全面美容和健康體驗的品牌,定位於專為20至45歲的女白領女性而設。主打品牌為「SHAGIC」。 SHAGIC 是一個由香港藝人陳敏之所推出的自家護膚品牌,概念為Sharon+Magic。敏之從品牌名稱、配方、包裝甚至產品攝影的每一個細節都參與其中,並追求極致完美的產品質素。除此之外,敏之也在產品中加入了獨特的成份,務求令客戶的護膚可以完全吸收,達致全方位護膚。

About Us

Full Beauty & Wellness is a diverse concept store in Hong Kong,slogan is Life is Full ofBeauty, with the purpose of seeking balance in aesthetic and well-being of life, a brand thatbrings the world of unique and quality beauty and skincare products to customers. The brandfocuses on wellness, because we believe that the true meaning of beauty is beyond what thenaked eye can see. True beauty is born from the heart. Full Beauty & Wellness offersproducts that give life to your skin by nourishing it - superficially and deeply, solving skinproblems while making it healthier; moisturizing your body and mind.

Full Beauty & Wellness 是一個香港多元化的概念公司,Slogan 為 Life is Full of Beauty, 目的是為了幫助顧客尋求生活中的審美和幸福的平衡,一個將世界獨特並優質的產品帶給顧客的品牌。品牌主打健康, 因為我們相信美的真義,超乎肉眼所見。真正的美,由心靈而生。我們深信,唯身心健康豐盛,才能為美賦予生命。 Full Beauty & Wellness 所提供的產品賦予你的肌膚和心靈生命,它滋養你的肌膚和心靈-表面的、深層的,解決肌膚問題,同時令您更健康;更潤澤你的身和心。

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to help our customers seek a balance between aesthetics and happinessin their lives. Although urban women are busy with work, we hope that our customers canfind a happy balance in their lives, not only in skin care but also in mind care. In addition, wealways emphasize on perfect product quality, so with our professional beauty knowledge andsense, Full Beauty & Wellness has actively searched and introduced the most potentialquality brands and products from all over the world. In the future, we will continue tointroduce more brands in order to share more quality brands to customers.

我們的理念是希望可以幫助顧客尋求生活中的審美和幸福的平衡。雖然都市女性都忙於工作,但我們也希望顧客可是在生活上尋找到幸福的平衡,不只是在於肌膚上的保養除此之外也是一種心靈上的呵護,因此在產品篩選中我們品牌都非常用心,提供不僅於護膚產品的選擇同時也包括健康食品,飲料和香氛。另外,我們也一直強調完美的產品質素,所以憑藉專業的美容知識與觸覺,Full Beauty & Wellness 也積極的搜羅並引進了世界各地最有潛質的優質品牌和產品。今後我們也會陸續的引進更多不同的品牌,分享更多優質品牌給大家。