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"SHAGIC" is a skincare brand launched by Sharon Chan which the brand name is conceived by Sharon and her family. The concept of "SHAGIC" comes from Sharon+Magic and the slogan is Let's Spark Your Beauty With Shagic! Sharon has been involved in every detail of the brand name, formulas, packaging and even product photography, and has pursued the ultimate in product quality. In order to provide a total beauty and wellness experience for her customers, she has incorporated unique ingredients into her products to allow for complete absorption and holistic skincare.

「SHAGIC」是一個由陳敏之推出的自家護膚品牌也是一個她與家人一起構想的品牌名稱,概念為Sharon+Magic,Slogan為 Let's Spark Your Beauty With Shagic!! 敏之從品牌名稱、配方、包裝甚至產品攝影的每一個細節都參與其中,並追求極致完美的產品質素。為了讓產品能夠帶給客戶全面的美容和健康體驗,她在產品中加入了獨特的成份,務求令客戶的護膚可以完全吸收,達致全方位護膚。


In order to create her own brand, Sharon also spent a lot of time in professional classes. She learned how to select the most effective ingredients for the skin, and how to adjust the fragrance and the consistency of the finished product during the manufacturing process. The purpose of going through the difficult classes and obtaining a teacher's certificate that is recognized by the Korean government is to bring skin care products that are truly suitable for everyone. Sharon's own skincare brand mainly focuses on three products, including the Reviving Eye Cream, Skin Vitality Cream and Firming Essence. The three products can be used together to achieve long-lasting skincare and moisturizing effects.



The Firming Essence reshapes the facial contours and firms the skin with a high concentration of SYN®-HYCAN and the precious hydrolyzed royal jelly protein, which activates the proliferation of collagen and the self-production of hyaluronic acid in the dermis to firm the skin's tissues and contours. HYADISINE®, Resveratrol and RNA are important ingredients that provide long-lasting moisture retention and firmness, as well as fight bacteria and repair skin cells.



The key ingredients SNP-8TM, HYADISINE (4.0%) and Carnosine peptide in the Reviving Eye Cream are used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and facial wrinkles through the Botox-like principle, which has been proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines by up to *38% in 28 days! In addition, the moisturizing and locking factor can quickly penetrate into the underlying cells to make the skin elastic and achieve a lasting moisturizing effect, reduce melanin cell activity and reduce dark circles.

撫紋奇跡再生眼霜可以淡化細紋及提昇眼部輪廓,當中的重要成分SNP-8TM、HYADISINE (4.0%)及Carnosine 肌肽通過類肉毒桿菌的原理針對性減淡眼紋和面部細紋,實證28天撫平細紋高達*38%!另外產品更有補濕鎖水因子可快速深入底層細胞,令肌膚富有彈性及達到持久的保濕效果,可降低黑色素細胞活性及淡化黑眼圈。


The Skin Vitality Cream is suitable for all skin types, including acne-prone and sensitive skin. The moisturizing molecules quickly penetrate into the skin to achieve a high moisturizing and non-sticky effect. The patented moisturizing and locking factor helps the molecules to be smaller and more easily absorbed than normal hyaluronic acid.

全效保濕護膚水凝霜則是多效合一的面霜,具有保濕、美白、修護、抗炎等功能,該產品適合所有膚質,包括暗瘡及敏感肌,補濕分子快速滲透肌底,達到高保濕和不黏笠的效果,產品中的藍銅胜肽及HYADISINE +透明質酸納等等重要成份具有最温和的撫紋抗老和醫療級多效護膚成分,當中的專利補濕鎖水因子更有助分子比起一般透明質酸更細更容易吸收。